Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Power Port time!

Okay, so I'm thinking that I want a power port.
With all my clotting problems, it would just be easier to get the cat scans and stuff with a power port. You can inject dye into it!! So cool, especially for me. :) I am very excited.

AND, to top it off - my twin is coming home tomorrow. She is honestly my closest friend, and I am so lucky to have her in my life. I LOVE YOU TWIN!

I have some rad socks to wear in surgery! 
Purple with pink Polka dots over grey with Pink stripes.

I'm nervous, but honestly I've been poked with needles way too many times in the last 6 months. I'm so tired of it, and my arms are all f***ed up. 


I'm gonna do this shit Mattera style! 
Balls to the walls, with a smile on my face, and amazing socks on my feet. ;)

I have my care team by my side, and a comfy bed to recover in. I'm SO set! Wishing I had more movies to watch, and books to read though. Blast! 

Have a good day, dear readers! 


P.s. Please don't be offended by my language. I have a bit of a potty mouth. Whoops!


Karen Brown Letarte said...

It runs in the family (potty mouth) :)

Lots of love!

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