Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas at home!

 I am SOOO HAPPY TO BE HOME! I've  been non-stop getting ready for Christmas, and I couldn't be more excited to be home with my family to experience it. I will update with lots of pictures from all my excursions this Holiday Season. I am so excited for all of you to see my family! Update coming soon.
Here is my Fill in the blank Friday. I missed last Friday because I was sick, but here it is now! And it's holiday themed.
1. Giving is one of the best things you can do. I love to give to my family and friends! My mom and I are crazy about holidays and birthdays. We go all out!

2. Receiving is always nice. It's wonderful when someone thinks of you and buys you a present. Even if it's a small, it's nice to be thought of. :)

3. The best gift I ever received was ....I know this might sound a little cliche, but as much as I love material things, the best gift I ever received is/was my family. I'm so thankful to have my family, I don't know what I'd do without them.

4. The best gift I ever gave was my love? I'm not really sure. I guess I'd have to survey all the people I've given gifts too. Although I'm sure the blue snuggie I bought my friend might take this one.

5. Something intangible that I wish I could receive is Adventure, and a long life full of deep breaths.

6. Something intangible that I wish I could give is awareness, strength, and compassion.

7. The one gift I always wanted as a child, but never got was One of those little cars you could drive around. ALWAYS wanted one, never got one, so I'm going to get my (future, hypothetical) kid one when they are old enough. 

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